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Bead Necklaces

Handmade Bead Necklaces

One of the oldest forms of human adornment were bead necklaces. Durango Silver Co specializes in highend gemstone bead necklaces. Gemstone and Turquoise bead necklaces have been traced back to the Ancient civilizations. Browse our selection of heirloom gemstone bead necklaces.

Highend Bead Necklaces

Since the dawn of human adornment bead necklaces have been quintesential. Most ancient civilizations wore bead jewelry and especially Bead Necklaces. Throughout history bead necklaces were worn for luck and protection, and in a lot of cases to show your stance or social ranking in a society. During many times throughout history only royalty could were most jewelry including gemstone bead necklaces. Today, bead necklaces are some of the most popular jewelry pieces in fashion. 

Unique Gemstone Bead Necklaces

Durango Silver Company specializes in AMERICAN HANDMADE BEAD NECKLACES inlcuding highend Turquoise bead necklaces. Our artisans make many different styles of bead necklaces from classic to contemporary, bead choker necklaces, multi strand bead necklaecs, and Gemstone Bead Treasure Necklaces. Durango Silver Company carries handmade bead necklaces made by Native American artists. We hope you have taken a good look at what we have to offer.

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