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Turquoise Chakras

Turquoise Chakras

Turquoise Chakra Spiritual Powers

Bisbee Turquoise - High Spiritual Values

Bisbee Turquoise - Believed to be the most valued Turquoise on Earth for its high mineral content relative to the Chakra

Turquoise Chakra - New Age worshipers believe gem healing is an art and practice that is done on a metaphysical level. The power of the earth's energies have been absorbed in Turquoise and natural Turquoise has inherited vital healing powers that can be utilized by man. For thousands of years Turquoise has been known to provide good health, happiness and fortune to the bearer of the stone. Turquoise has also been used by healers and medicine men from around the world to heal many types of ailments. Turquoise has physical, spiritual and zodiac powers that can be used for Eastern Medicine treatment of feeling in the Mind, Spirit and Body.

Turquoise Chakra's

Turquoise Chakra's - Overall, Turquoise is said to open all chakras, allowing the stone’s powers of love and communication to flow through the entire being.

The 4th Chakra


4th Heart Chakra (heart center) is in the middle of the chest and is called Anahata Chakra, meaning un-struck.The Heart chakra is associated with air (neither liquid nor solid). When this chakra is in balance you feel free, emotionally empowered, and hopeful. Of all the chakra meanings this one has the important role of moving ideas into physical reality.

Turquoise can also benefit the operation of the Heart Chakra by opening it up for giving and receiving love. On the brow Chakra, it 
strengthens the connection to great spirit. The blue color has come to symbolizes the spirit or sky source for spiritualists. The 4th Heart Chakra (heart center) is in the middle of the chest and is called Anahata Chakra, meaning “un-struck.” The Heart chakra is associated with air (neither liquid nor solid). When this chakra is in balance you feel free, emotionally empowered, and hopeful. Of all the chakra meanings this one has the important role of moving ideas into physical reality.

The 5th Chakra

Throat Chakra

5th Throat Chakra 

      (etheric body) is in middle of the throat and is known as 

Vishuddha Chakra,

       meaning “pure place.” This chakra is associated with ether (space). When 

Vishuddha Chakra

     is open and balanced you are able to express yourself openly without fear of what others will think.

However, healers associate it primarily with the Throat or 5th chakra. The 5th Throat Chakra (etheric body) is in middle of the throat and is known as Vishuddha Chakra, meaning “pure place.” This chakra is associated with ether (space). When Vishuddha Chakra is open and balanced you are able to express yourself openly without fear of what others will think. This Chakra is the center of communication, creativity, serenity and spiritual bonding.

Mental Healing

Turquoise is a stone of communication (5th Chakra). New Age healers recommend it for people who have a fear of public speaking. 
They believe it has the ability to make a speaker more eloquent, loving, creative and honest. But it is also improves the mental state overall by increasing all of the following positive mental characteristics: serenity, creativity, empathy, positive thinking, sensitivity, intuition, happiness wisdom all of which result in a calmer state that leads to greater self-realization. It is also considered a stone of friendship. As a communication stone, New Age believers say that it opens up connections between friends and allowing love to flow in those communications, which strengthens the friendship bond. Further, they believe it has the power to strengthen convictions, courage and personal power.


Physical Healing

As a healing stone, Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. According to followers of the New Age, its powers can benefit
the whole body, with special strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory, waste and skeletal systems. Crystal healers recommend it for detoxification of alcohol, poison, pollution or radiation in the body, treatment of high blood pressure, asthma, infections, TMJ and dental problems.

Learn More About Turquoise Healing Powers

Durango Silver Company Believes in the Powers of Turquoise

Turquoise has been a big part of our family for nearly fifty years. We truly believe Turquoise has enhanced our lives greatly, it has indeed blessed us with happiness, health and good fortune to date. We are proud to offer our Turquoise Jewelry to others and sincerely believe our pieces will make a difference in others lives if worn. For additional information, read the John Hartman Story and how Turquoise has affected his life.

What makes Durango Silver Co stand out from others is that it is mandatory to us that the Turquoise we use is authentic and real. We have gone to great extents to assure this to our clients, we have collected high grade natural Turquoise for nearly 40 years and we personally mine Turquoise as well. We hand cut our Turquoise Stones and use only the stones that meet our criteria for the Turquoise Jewelry we produce.

We feel Turquoise Jewelry from Durango Silver Company has spiritual powers as each piece is an individual that has been made with serious thought and care. We produce authentic Turquoise Jewelry that is unquestionably high quality and real!

Bisbee Turquoise

Of all the Turquoise we have collected, we believe Bisbee Turquoise from Bisbee, Arizona to have the most value for Spiritual powers. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of crystals and multiple colored Gemstone deposits in the ground at the Bisbee Mine. Many of the minerals are green, blue or have those hues in them, even the crystals. For this reason, we believe the power of the earth's energies have been absorbed in Bisbee Turquoise far more than any other Turquoise found on Earth. For more information on Bisbee Turquoise, go to the Bisbee Turquoise Website.

Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry

Durango Silver Company owns one of the most important and largest Bisbee Turquoise Collections in the world. We had the fortune of purchasing the balance of the Bob Mathews and Cecil Mickleson Bisbee Turquoise Collection. Bob and Cecil had the only rights given by the Phillips Dodge Company to mine Turquoise at the Bisbee Mine. We have also purchased a lot of Bisbee Turquoise that had actually been pulled from the walls in the Bisbee Mine by Minors in the 1950's through the early 1970's. We make authentic Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry from Bisbee Turquoise that we have collected for the last forty years. See our page on Bisbee Turquoise.

Note; John and Dillon Hartman are among the very few that can authenticate true Bisbee Turquoise today. The known its characteristics 
from cutting it. It is also a fact, Dillon and John can be blindfolded and can detect rough Bisbee Turquoise by their sense of smell.

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