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Turquoise Symbolism

Turquoise Symbolism

Turquoise Symbolism

There are many associations in Astrological symbols and symbolism of Astrology, Ayurvedic, Hindu Astrology, Lucky Charms that are associated with gemstone or crystals, crystal healing, spiritualism, new Age, gems, minerals, mining, spirits vibrations and Chakra, as well as mystical numerology and psychic supernatural investigations. It is rare in Cherokee, Medium but is elegant and found often in crucifixes.

With all the legend and myth surrounding turquoise, it has come to symbolize many things in modern life. Many ancient cultures held beliefs about Turquoise. In Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and Tibet Turquoise represents purity. Because of its color, it is an ancient symbol of the sky.

The ancients of the Native Indian Americans believe that Turquoise was such a strong symbol of prosperity and possitivity that it would scare away demons.

Bisbee Turquoise Rough

It is the Jeweler’s Birthstone for December.

Turquoise is the gemstone for the 11th year of marriage.

National Gemstone:
It is the National Gem of Iran.

Said to favor women with the name Therese.

Western Astrology:
Turquoise is the primary stone for Aquarius. It is an alternate stone for Sagittarius.

The number 1

Day of the Week:

Hour of the Day:
5:00 a.m.

It represents the Earth/Air Elementals.

Europeans give Turquoise jewelry as forget-me-nots or as a pledge of adoration. In The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare uses this symbolism when Leah gives a turquoise ring to Shylock to win his favor. Some Russians use Turquoise in wedding rings. This type of Vintage Turquoise Jewelry is very valuable today!

Planetary Astrology:
Planetary stone for Aquarius

Astrological Birthstone:

Medicine Wheel Birthstone:
Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Number 8 turquoise nugget and #8 turquoise cabochons, turquoise rough

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