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The Red Mountain Turquoise mine produces a very fine Turquoise. This mine is known for both the high quantity of small high-grade nuggets that it produces and the beautiful dark blue Red Mountain Spider Web Turquoise Cabochons that its thin vein material produces. The specimens above are rare due to their giant size. The smallest nugget of natural Red Mountain Turquoise in the picture above is about the size of two golf balls and the largest is the size of a hamburger. The top grade gem material from the mine is a hard compact spider web and is equal to any of the classic Turquoise mines such as Number Eight, Lone Mountain or Nevada Blue. Besides a dark blue color with a dark matrix the mine produces colors in the blue green range with a stunning gold or rust-colored spider web. Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons have also been known to have fossil dentrites in them. |
The Red Mountain Turquoise Mine is located in Lander County, Nevada. This mine has produced a large quantity of graded natural Turquoise and the best Red Mountain Turquoise rivals some of the high quality Turquoise produced by the best mines in the Southwest. Red Mountain Turquoise with its intricate often red spider web matrix is usually cut into Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons and set in the finest gold and silver American Indian jewelry. The spider web Turquoise from the Red Mountain Turquoise mine is some of the finest, only compared with the likes of Blue Wind, Number Eight, Lone Mountain, Darling Darlene, Indian Mountain and Lander Blue. This stone has been used in many fine Turquoise Jewelry pieces both gold and silver by many famous artists.
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Above are two examples of natural Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise cabochons set in handmade jewelry. To the left is a beautiful "Lost Wax" style 14k gold ring by John Hartman with a top gem grade, natural, spiderweb Turquoise gemstone from the Red Mountain mine. Above to the right is a Navajo handamde Sterling Silver ring with a different look and color of natural Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise cabochons set into it. Both of the museum level piece of Southwestern Jewelry are great examples of the different looks of natural Red Mountain Turquoise from Nevada. Take a look at more Spiderweb Turquoise Jewelry.
Located in Northern Nevada the mine was owned for many years by Austin Turner. Turner did little mining. Much of the turquoise had been mined before Turner had taken over the claim. From 1982 to 1985 Erman Blossom and his partner leased the mine and removed a fair amount of turquoise. Turner sold the mine in 2003 and today the present owners are the McGinnis Family from Colorado who work the mine a few times a year where Turquoise is still being found in the mine’s old dump and in veins in which they use hand tools to extract the Turquoise. The production of Turquoise from the Red Mountain mine is ultra limited, thus making this Turquoise very rare and ultra valuable. - See more at: |
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Spiderweb Turquoise Bracelets | Spiderweb Turquoise Rings | Spiderweb Turquoise Jewelry | Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons | Blue Wind Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons |Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons | Damele Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons | Lander Blue Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons |Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise Cabohochons | Tortoise Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons
Thank you for reading about Red Mountain Turquoise and Red Mountain Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons.