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Custom Collector Knives

Custom Collector Knives

Collector Knives by Dave Kopec of Colorado

With the purchase of his first real raw turquoise rock, it soon became apparent that lapidary equipment was required. There was no turning back now because the love of the blue and green rocks had taken hold of him, as it has for many, The knives you see presented now are a result of obtaining and learning to properly use lapidary equipment and a passion for make stunning, all natural turqoise knives.

Dave chose Durango Silver as the exclusive outlet for his efforts since they are known to deal in only top quality, all natural stones, and they are also miners and jewelers themselves. As far as he knows no one else makes complete knive handles of real, unaltered, natural turquoise. There is good reason for this. The cost of the turquoise is steep, not to mention the tremendous effort to process the raw rock into a form usable for handles, and the final inlay and fitting of stones.
The passion for doing this continues unabated, with new techniques and actual inlay pictures now a part of the handles thru the use of stones from different mines, along with "slabachon" handles of freeform polished turquoise nuggets.

Dave has said all his knives are one of a kind, and not reproduced again. He wants people to see these knives and be overwhelmed by the sheer mass of finished turquoise in one place, AND also have one of man's oldest tools at his side.

For more info on Dave Kopec Click Here!

Durango Silver Co has a large selection of custom knives and collector knives made here in the Southwest. We have custom & collector knives made with American Turquoise from our own Turquoise mines as well as many others. We have custom collector knives made with many differant gemstones and many types of metals for the blades.

Custom Knives and collector knives with Turquoise handles are hard to find anywhere, we like making custom collector knives and like to make them with Turquoise and other gemstones usually found in Southwest Jewelry.

We specialize in American Turquoise custom knives & collector knives and will even make you a custom knife with Carico Lake Turquoise is you so desire. We can use most any American Turquoise you would like in the knife handle by special order.

Come back to often to see our new custom knives & collector knives.

About the CPM-SV330 Steel Blades Dave Uses

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