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Turquoise Gemstones

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Turquoise Gemstones

Turquoise Gemstones have been held sacred for thousands of years by ancient Kings, Pharaoh's, Tribal leaders, Healers and Royalty worldwide. It was actually one of the first gemstones found by mankind over 7,000 years ago in Egypt, Turquoise found in ancient tombs have been carbon dated back to 5,500 B.C.. Dillon Hartman of Durango Silver Company has created a great informational page we are certain you will appreciate, it can be viewed by going to his Turquoise Gemstones page on - Check It Out!

Lander Blue Turquoise Gemstone

Quality Turquoise Gemstones

Quality Turquoise Gemstones that are natural and authentic are difficult to come by! Our family has been mining, collecting and cutting high quality Turquoise for over forty years, we have found less than 10% of the Turquoise that we have cut has been of quality Turquoise Gemstone grade. In this informational page you will find many photos of some of the rare Turquoise Gemstones that we have cut in the past along with Dillon's comments on each photo and the Turquoise Stones that are in it.

Quality Turquoise Gemstones is one of our specialties at Durango Silver Company. We began our Turquoise business by mining Turquoise in Nevada and Arizona USA, we mined with some of the most historic Turquoise Miners of the American Southwest. John Hartman had a Turquoise Gemstone cutting shop in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the early 1970's, prior to moving to Durango. John and his staff cut thousands of carats of high-grade Turquoise such as Bisbee Turquoise, Morenci Turquoise, Blue Gem Turquoise, Number 8 Turquoise and other that he sold and traded to the Navajo Silversmiths as well as the Jewelry supply houses around New Mexico and Arizona. John continued cutting Turquoise in Durango, Colorado and still does today. The Hartman family has a great Turquoise rough collection that they have accumulated over that past 40 years.

Investment Grade Turquoise Gemstones

Carico Lake Turquoise Gemstones

High-grade Turquoise and Turquoise Gemstones have escalated in value on a continuous bases throughout the years that Durango Silver Company has been in business, however, in the past two years they have increased in value over 100%. Buyers of investment grade Turquoise Gemstones will all tell you the same thing, High-grade Turquoise Gemstones are priceless as they are so very hard to find.

We invite you to view our Informational page on Turquoise Gemstones, we believe you will appreciate this presentation and find it to have a lot of valuable information on Investment Quality Turquoise Gemstones. We also think this information will help you understand this gemstone is an American heritage that is valuable and may be a good investment for you.

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