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Posted by Dillon Hartman on May 2nd 2016
Turquoise is an extremely popular color this upcoming season for it’s beautiful, fresh, and bright color tones. Turquoise is a very popular color for spring and summer to brighten up your wardrobe as well as your mood. Having said this there is so much more to this color than just it's alluring tone. Turquoise is actually believed to be one of the oldest amulets of protection and it was also a sign of wealth in ancient cultures. It is believed that this gemstone will rid the person who wears it of negativity and bring them good fortune. This gemstone is very personal and supposedly takes on characteristics of the wearer. Turquoise can come in many different colors, but the common tones are a baby blue to an aqua blue-green, especially when used in fashion.
Planet: Venus and JupiterColor: Blue-green
Energies: Luck, Love, Protection and Healing
Chakra: Fifth chakra, Throat
So, next time you are in a store lost in a sea of colors, not knowing which one you would like to try out as a new addition to your wardrobe, why not go for one that may actually bring you good fortune, Turquoise? Even though it is believed that the actual stone Turquoise will bring all the good energies, the color Turquoise also reflects a positive attitude on the person wearing it.
Turquoise is a great fashion color for Spring and Summer. Most fashionistas wear Turquoise heavily in Spring and roll it over into fall, but for those who truly love the color it can be a year round fashion statement, and even a lift time fashion statement. Turquoise can be very addicting. When you add a splash of Turquoise to your outfit it automatically adds a cheerful and spring like feel to your look. Most people look great in Turquoise. The natural color of Turquoise seems to highlight all skin types and looks exceptionally great on olive, red, brown or darker skin. Take Turquoise Fashion from your spring wardrobe and blend it into your summer attire and eventually your year round wardrobe.
To sum it up... make the beautiful and natural fashion color a larger part of your wardrobe. The color of the sky stone will make you look more cheerful, colorful, prosperous and happy.