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Sterling Silver Bands

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Sterling Silver Bands

Sterling Silver Skull Band Ring

Durango Silver Company has created an educational presentation on Sterling Silver Bands, we invite you to take a look at and/or our Sterling Silver Bands page on On these pages you will find examples of Sterling Silver Bands with descriptions of each Ring Band along with some good educational information. Our company is focusing on Sterling Silver Band Rings for 2012 as we have had a major influx of individuals requesting Silver Bands from our company.

Southwestern Sterling Silver Bands

Durango Silver Company is from the Southwestern region of the United States, we have been in the Jewelry business here for nearly forty years creating Artisan crafted Silver Jewelry and Sterling Silver Bands, all made in the USA. Southwestern styled Jewelry is some of the most uniquely unusual Jewelry in the world. Its roots came from the Spaniards who came up through this area in search of Silver and Gold. They taught a Navajo Blacksmith named Atsidi Sani how to work with Silver and Sterling Silver Bands were soon being made on a regular bases for the Navajo people.

Mountain style Sterling Silver band

It was not long when Silversmithing spread thoughout the Navajo Nation and onto the Southwestern Anglos and hispanics as well. Silver Jewelry manufacturing shops sprung up in many areas thoughout the Southwest producing Silver Jewelry and Sterling Silver Bands for the Grand Canyon tourism trade and the Southwestern Silver Jewelry business grew exponentially for the next 150 years.

Artisan Crafted Sterling Silver Bands

Artisan Crafted Sterling Silver Bands of all types have been one of the most popular Silver Jewelry items being produced throughout the years and untold millions of them have been made and sold. Artisan Crafted Sterling Silver Bands are sold worldwide now, but, the Southwestern styled Sterling Silver Bands are unique to the United States and Artisan Crafted Sterling Silver Bands from Durango Silver Company are 100% made in the USA.

Silver bands by John Hartman

For 2012, Durango Silver Company is developing a new line of Sterling Silver Bands and Sterling Silver Wedding Bands to meet the demand that we have had requesting these type of Rings. At the same time we have begun making our presentations showing our customers how they are made, the differences between our Artisan Crafted Sterling Silver Bands and creating an information base on this subject and relevant information directly related to Sterling Silver Bands.

We hope you find our informational pages worthwhile and we hope you will think of Durango Silver Company if you or any of your relatives or friends are considering a Silver Band Ring. We invite you to read more information about Sterling Silver Bands by following the links above.

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