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Desert Bloom Variscite

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Desert Bloom Variscite

Desert Bloom Nevada Variscite slices

Desert Bloom Variscite is some of the most beautiful natural variscite on earth.  This variety of American Variscite runs from a deep emerald green to a bright lime green.  The material is semi translucent to opaque.  This Nevada Variscite is known for it's deep lime green to lime green variscite with stark black spider web matrix with golden brown matrix. This stunning matrix comes in tight web form as small as a pin head apart all the way to web with patterning that is a few inches apart. Desert Bloom also produces gems that will be solid green with no matrix.  Some of the rarest form of this material is the super large webbed material.  The mine has produced a few nuggets larger than a soccer ball that are solid spider web lime green variscite. This material has similarities to Damele Variscite.  So far it has not produced the Damele Faustite or Turquoise type material.  Desert Bloom is a deposit in the larger Vista Grande mining claim which features Desert Bloom, Emerald City, and Vista Grande Variscite.

High grade cabochon of natural Desert Bloom Variscite

The Visa Grande Variscite mine is located in the Candelaria Hills of Southwestern Nevada. This mine was discovered in 2016 by Rodney Frisby and Allen Chambers.  The mine produces some of the highest grade natural variscite on earth.  The mine is most famous for the Desert Bloom deposit.  The Emerald City deposit produces a finer webbed version of Desert Bloom that is also a deep green to a deep blue/green.  The Vista Grande material is similar to New Lander, Prince, or Tortoise Variscite. As with all mines this group of claims produces all kinds of looks.  We have seen material from this mine that resembles material from most of the other Nevada Variscite mines. Having said that the prominate look is the fabulous Desert Bloom material that is currently carving its way into the history books.

Vista Grande Variscite Mine History

Spider Web Nevada Variscite

Alan Chambers and Rodney Frisby have been lifelong friends. Alan has had a property in Mina, Nevada for years.Rodney had been there several times visiting or buying equipment but it wasn't until 2014 that the two went out looking for gemstones in the Candelaria Hills. Alan knew the hills very well and had done lots of contract work for the silver mine there. The two soon discovered some old deposits that Alan knew of from years ago and one of them they went too led to the discovery of the Sky Cloud Mine which was a virgin Turquoise deposit which is now the Sierra Nevada Turquoise mine and has transferred to the Ottesons.  We continued our prospecting and soon had several variscite properties to work with. None of them were generated a whole lot of money so Rodney continued prospecting. He soon found a deposit which he still has claimed today and is just down the hill of from the Vista Grande. Anyways, he took Alan to the canyon where the finds were, he was on the back of the quad, and he said stop and let me off. He hiked up a mountain that looked to me to be barren but when he came back down with a handful of pure green nuggets. Alan was surprised. This was the beginning of the Vista Grande / Desert Bloom Variscite mine.

High Grade Desert Bloom Variscite cabochon

After looking the logistics of getting a road up to the top Rodney picked out a ridge and blazed the trail. It was pretty hairy actually. After Rodney reached the spot where Alan had found the nuggets it wasn't long before he discovered spider web at another spot say a hundred feet away. The two continued to dig by hand for the next six months and seeing the potential for a larger scale operation they took an excavator and track loader to the property. Did the proper bonding and started finding world class specimens as well as some of the finest spiderweb to come out of the Candelaria Hills ever. The rest is pretty much history and this story is only the last three years actually. Hard to say what will come out of the mine ion the future but we are pretty sure it will spectacular!

- Desert Bloom Variscite / Vista Grande Variscite History by Rodney Frisby.

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