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Blue Turquoise And Silver Jewelry

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Blue Turquoise And Silver Jewelry

Blue Turquoise and Silver Jewelry by Durango Silver Company is made with authentic blue Turquoise from the Bisbee Turquoise Mine, Morenci Turquoise Min, Kingman Turquoise Mine, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Mines in Arizona. We also make Silver Jewelrywith Blue Turquoise from Nevada Turquoise Mines, however, blue Turquoise from Nevada is not as prevalent as Green Turquoise. Nevada produces mostly Green Turquoise with some occasions of Blue. We have produce Silver Jewelry with Blue Turquoise from the Royston Turquoise Mine, Dry Creek Turquoise Mine, Carico Lake Turquoise Mine, Lander Blue Turquoise Mine, Blue Wind Turquoise Mine, Fox Turquoise Mine, Burnham Turquoise Mine, Godber Turquoise mine and several others.

Also, much of the Blue Turquoise from Nevada is off blue with a slight tint of green in it making it a true Turquoise blue color. It is very interesting how the colors of Turquoise changes from geographic regions of the Southwest as well as the world.

We invite you to read more on Blue Turquoise Jewelry, Green Turquoise Jewelry, Silver Jewelry and Turquoise Jewelry on our educational presentation pages

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