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Nevada Turquoise Mines M-Q

Nevada Turquoise Mines M-Q

Nevada Turquoise Mines through Lucky Peak

Example Pictures are not necessarily the highest of grade, rather a good example of a common look from a particular

Frog Skin Nevada Green TurquoiseMarvin Syme's Frog Skin

The Frog Skin Turquoise Mine was a small mine owned by Marvin Symes. It shows unusual and beautifully distinctive Deep Green Coloring with Black/Brown Matrix webbing. Marvin Symes was one of the original miners of the Famous Lander Blue Mine in Lander County. The Turquoise from this Nevada Turquoise Mine is beautiful and had a lot of green Nevada Turquoise. Some of the material kinda looked like old Royston Turquoise that had the blue green fade effect to it. This is pretty hard stuff to find, especially since it kinda looks like Royston, so most of the stuff that is in old collections gets mistaken for Royston Turquoise from Tonopah, Nevada. If you can find this.. it is great stuff.


Mastrada MineMastrada Turquoise Mine

The Mastrada Turquoise mine has seen little activity over the years. These Nevada Turquoise Mines produced mostly seam and vein material from what we have seen .The Mastrada Turquoise we have had in the past was a nice light color with light brown webbing and water web or birdseye patterning. Alot of what we had was very close to high end Dry Creek Turquoise Mine material. Mastrada Turquoise is highly siliconized which makes it hard and take a great shine. Mastrada Turquoise Mine material is another of those hard to find and rare stones. We have a stash of Mastrada mine Turquoise and hope to make some wonderful silver jewelry and gold jewelry from it. Mastrada Turquoise is absolutely killer turquoise... this is often mistaken for Dry Creek Turquoise from Austin, Nevada.


McGinnis Mine Nevada TurquoiseMcGinnis Nevada Turquoise Mine

The McGinnis Nevada Turquoise mine has seen little activity over the years. The Turquoise from the McGinnis Turquoise Mine was mostly seam and vein material from what I have seen .Most of the McGinnis Turquoise was a nice light color with light brown webbing. Some of the material from the McGinnis Turquoise Mine almost looked like the Dry Creek material, but most of the Turquoise mine was a deep blue with murky matrix. Alot of the McGinnis Turquoise Mine material was not that great of Turquoise, but the top end was tops. The highgrade Turquoise was hard and took a great shine. The McGinnis Turquoise is another of those hard to find and rare stones. I have a stash of this turquoise and hope to make some wonderful silver jewelry and gold jewelry.


Miss Moffet Turquoise Mine NevadaMiss Moffet Mine

The Miss Moffet Variscite and Turquoise Mine from Nevada is an old mine and puts out some of the best colors with tight black or brown spider web matrix. The most famous material from the Miss Moffet mine is most famous for it's spiderweb Variscite material. This material is often sold as Candelaria Variscite. The Miss Moffet Mine Turquoise anf Variscite gets the nick name "Candelaria" Variscite or Turquoise because it the mine is located in the Candelaria hills area. Although This turquoise has not been marketed much, it is some of the finest green turquoise and variscite we have seen. The Miss Moffet Variscite and Turquoise Mine also produces a very rare form of turquoise and variscite, Psuedomorph Clam Shells, these are prehistoric clam shells that have had parts of the dead clam replaced with turquoise. The Miss Moffet Mine is co-owned by Durango Silver Company and Nevada Turquoise Company. This mine is very unique because the main pit is located in the bottom of a small canyon basin rather than in the hills. The vein material runs in one area and the fossil clams in another. These clams are very rare and valuable. When you are mining the Miss Moffet mine you can see how the clams fossilized as they are definately located at a certain level of the mine which shows you is was a certain period of time when this area had a lake in it, at which time the clams lived. Look for this stone in high end turquoise jewelry.


Monte Cristo Mine - NevadaMonte Cristo Nevada Turquoise Mines

The Monte Cristo mine produced a medium blue or blue-green turquoise which has a light to medium brown matrix. The common look of this Turquoise is a pale blue and a light green with a light brown matrix. A lot of this material needs to be stabilized. The Monte Cristo mine is one of the old claims in the Pilot Mountain Mining District in Nevada. This mine was heavily worked in the early 1900's and then forgotten. It is now part of the incorporated mines that make up the Pilot Mountain Turquoise mine, although this pit is not worked much due to its need to be stabilized and the fact that the pit mostly produces an off color of green Turquoise. Much of this Turquoise was always sold under the name Pilot Mountain Turquoise.


Montezuma Turquoise Rough NevadaMontezuma Turquoise Claim Nevada

The Montezuma Turquoise Mine is another of the small Nevada Turquoise mines. The Montezuma Turquoise Mine was famous for producing beautiful green and Blue/green Turquoise and was only a small production mine. There was some of the Turquoise from the Montezuma Turquoise Mine that was very nice material when it was highgrade! The highgrade is solid, not much matrix and cuts well. There was a lot of this Turquoise that came out that was blue to green fade coloration. Most of the Turquoise that came out of the Montezuma Turquoise Mine in Nevada came out in Limonite matrix. A lot of This material needs to be stabilized, but what doesn't need to be stabilized is gorgeous stuff. You will see a lot of this material stabilized and made up into all kinds of Turquoise beads.


New Landers MineNew Landers Mine

The New Lander Turquoise is very beautiful! The most famous gem material from the New Landers mine is the Chalcociderite and Variscite with black spider web matrix. Most of This material looks like Lander Blue only it is green, orange, and yellow, mostly green. A lot of this material is labeled New Landers Turquoise, but it appears to be varasite or chalcociderite rather then turquoise but is marketed as turquoise, it has the beautiful clarity and depth of varascite It is being mine across the valley from the Old Lander Blue Mine. New Landers, no mater whether if it is Turquoise, Chalcociderite, or Variscite, is very valuable and highly covetted. We have used the Turquoise from the New Landers Mine in Silver Jewelry and gold jewelry.


Nevada BlueNevada Blue or Nevada Persian Blue Turquoise Mine

The Nevada Blue Turquoise Mine produces a beautiful blue turquoise similar to Persian blue turquoise, ranging from light blue to dark blue. A lot of This material is straight blue or has little matrix. Some high-grade has a fine spider web matrix with dark brown colored matrix. This, as with most turquoise mines from Nevada is a little ma and pa operation... and quite frankly anything blue and from Nevada could have been sold in the pas with this name attached to it. This is a factor that makes it hard to find TRUE Nevada Blue Turquoise.


Number 8 TurquoiseNumber Eight Mine

The Number Eight Turquoise Mine in Carlin, Nevada was first mined in 1929 until its depletion. In its prime, No. 8 produced some of the largest nuggets of turquoise found. A spider web matrix of colors ranging from golden brown to black set off the unique bright powder blue background of the stone. High grade No. 8 is typically considered to be deep blue in color with black spider web or light brown spider web matrix and is very rare. Number Eight Turquoise has been a very valuable acquisition, rumors of new stashes of great quantity threaten the value from a collectors standpoint, if they prove to be true, of coarse the high-grade will always be very valuable. One of Cutler Edgars. This turquoise has recently seen a rebirth in turquoise jewelry production. Today most people think of Number Eight Turquoise as light blue with light brown fine spider web matrix. This is considered to be some of the most highly collected Turquoise in the world.

Check out some Number Eight Turquoise Jewelry.


Northern Lights Nevada Turquoise MinesNorthern Lights Nevada

The Northern Lights Turquoise mine produced a real nice medium to dark blue turquoise, some had a red spider web matrix, some was a dark, almost "military green" color. Rarely the mine would produce a gorgeous lime green Turquoise such as the cabochon in the pendant used for an example. This lime green Turquoise or Faustite from the Northern Lights Nevada Turquoise mine is what the mine is most famous for. A lot of the Turquoise from the Northern Lights Turquoise mine has black triangular matrix. The example we have listed here has both the famous Lime Turquoise color and the black triangular matrix that is diffinitive from this mine. This mine is located beside the Carico mine about 80 miles north of Austin , in Lander County, Nevada. Lander County has produced some of the best turquoise in the world. This mine is currently owned by Brian mason from crescent valley, and is currently not being mine.


Orvil Jack Lime Green Turquoise

Orvil Jack Lime Turquoise Ring

Orvil Jack who was NOT a one armed miner, discovered and developed the mine in northern Nevada that produces the Lime Green Turquoise that bears his name. The mining claims where the deposit is located is called the Blue Ridge in Crescent Valley. Original Orvil only sought out blue turquoise, and at This time, I have heard, he would have his helpers simply discard the greed turquoise in search of blue. The rare yellow-green color of the turquoise (Faustite and Varasite) comes from the zinc content. Mr. Jack is now deceased, but his daughter Grace continues to manage the mine. Only a small amount is now being produced, and the turquoise is considered very collectible due to its rare color and scarcity.

Once you see this in some jewelry made with sugilite and opal... it will be one of your favorites. This stunning color lends itself well to gold turquoise jewelry.

Links: Orvil Jack - The Big Story |


Paiute Turquoise RingPaiute Turquoise From Austin Nevada

The Pauite Turquoise Mine shares a mountain with the Godber/Burnham/Drycreek mine in central Nevada. While claims at the Pauite site date back to 1974, the mine has been actively productive since 1992. The Pauite Nevada Turquoise Mine produces limited quantities of high-grade spider-web turquoise. It has a wide graduation of blue tone, from light to dark, with web or matrix in colors of black, orange, brown, and red. Highgrade Paiute Turquoise is hard turquoise and some of the finest we have ever seen. Recently the miner (Tony Cotner) let us view some samples of his AAA+ high-grade, and it was breath taking, I would have to say it rivals Lander Blue Turquoise. The highest grade of natural Paiute Turquoise is deep blue, glassy and features black spiderweb. The very highest grade of Paiute Turquoise is almost semi translucent.

Paiute Turquoise Jewelry | More Information on Paiute Turquoise


Indian Blue Turquoise minePapoose Mine Nevada Turquoise

The old Papoose Turquoise Mine was one of Nevada's most well-known smaller Turquoise mines. This mine is located in the western part of Nevada and produced a small amount of beautiful blue green turquoise with a brownish matrix. The Papoose Turquoise mine also produced nugget cabs. This mine was worked a short time and did not have a very large deposite of Turquoise. Papoose turquoise has been featured in many old pawn turquoise jewelry pieces. You can also see good examples of Papoose Turquoise in some of the old Turquoise books and Arizona Highways magazines.


Pixie Lime Green Turquoise Mine

Pixie Lime Green Turquoise Rough

The Pixie Turquoise Mine is in the Crescent Valley area of Nevada, near the Fox, Orville Jack, and Carico Lake mines. All these mines yield a green turquoise as well as other colors. The Pixie mine hasn't been worked until recently, sitting untouched for twenty years. Pixie turquoise is yellow to mossy green and also occurs in some blues. A gold mining company owns the claim to these mines, and eventually they will all be swallowed up by the gold mining operation, therefore, Pixie turquoise is quite collectible. The Original PIXIE MINE was mine by Doc Ingersol and another friend in the Bullion District of Lander County near the Indian creek in the Cresent Valley, Nevada area . The mine produced a very small Quantity of This Prize Winning Turquoise.

Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mines

Pilot Mountain Turquoise Cabochon

The Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mine is located in mid west Nevada. The Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mine is one of the most famous Turquoise mines that ever was in the Southwest and is considered an American Turquoise classic. The Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mines are still producing and different claims are worked by the Cordovas, Ottesons, Durango Silver Company and Nevada Turquoise Company. The Pilot Mountain Turquoise mine produces a wide variety of colors of Turquoise that is indicitive of natural Nevada Turquoise. Over the years Turquoise from the Pilot Mountain Nevada Turquoise Mines has probably been some of the most common Turquoise used in Southwestern Jewelry and Native American Turquoise Jewelry. The Turquoise from the Pilot Mountain Turquoise mine is highly admired for its deep blue-green colors. In addition, it can show light blue to dark green colors on the same stone. This graduation in color is unusual and makes the turquoise very collectible. The matrix is black to golden brown. Pilot Mountain Turquoise is a hard stone and takes a good polish when it is highgrade. Most Pilot Mountain comes in thin veins as shown on the cab to the left, but we have recently discovered some thick vein. I am positive you will find this in a ton of old pawn Turquoise jewelry.

Links: Pilot Mountain Turquoise CabochonsBoulder Turquoise or Ribbon Turquoise | Official Pilot Mountain Website

Prince Turquoise Mine

Prince Turquoise Cabochon

The Prince Turquoise Mine produced some awesome Variscite. as well as turquoise. The Variscite. from This mine is primarily in vein formation which is located in an area shared by the Milkyway Damaile Mine. The Variscite from the Prince Turquoise Mine. when cut shows a nice strong black matrix and the green is a nice olive to dark green. But the green will run into other shades and even turn a yellow. The Turquoise however, is a medium blue in brown mud. Most of the turquoise comes in nugget or nodule form and comes from the top of the mountain the mine is on. Originally This mine was known for the turquoise not the Varascite. The Turquoise from the Prince mine is scarce, but was a deep blue with almost Bisbee Turquoise looking matrix.


Example Pictures are not necessarily the highest of grade, rather a good example of a common look from a particular mine.

I will continue to add to This list and eventually attempt to have a listing of all turquoise mines that have existed in Nevada. I need your help! If you know of another legitimate mining operation or old mine claim in Nevada, contact me at:

Nevada Turquoise A-C | Nevada Turquoise D-L | Nevada Turquoise M-P | Nevada Turquoise R-Z | Back to Main Nevada Turquoise Page | More Turquoise Facts

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