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Turquoise Earrings

Turquoise Earrings

Turquoise Earrings by Durango Silver Company

Turquoise Earrings

Turquoise Earrings are a favorite item in the Turquoise Jewelry marketplace. There are more Turquoise Earrings than any other type of Turquoise Jewelry item sold by a long shot! There are endless Turquoise Earring designs by the Navajo Indian, Zuni Indians and contemporary artists of the Southwest. There are beautiful blue Turquoise Earrings as well as fabulously colorful green Turquoise Earrings. We have created this presentation page to help you by showing you many different types of Turquoise Earrings and with many different types of Turquoise Stones. The most popular type of earring in Southwestern Jewelry is the Turquoise Silver Earrings.

Durango Silver Company has been producing unique Turquoise Earrings for nearly forty years and try to always have a nice selection for you to choose from. We produce many styles of Turquoise Earrings and in several types of Turquoise from Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico. We mine Turquoise in Nevada and use our own Turquoise to make Earrings that you will not find anywhere else, in fact we design most all of our earrings and you will not find many sold anywhere else.

Watch our Turquoise Earrings Video

Different Types of Turquoise Earrings:

Blue Turquoise Earrings - Turquoise Bead Earrings - DSC Turquoise Earrings - Turquoise Dangle Earrings

Green Turquoise Earrings - Navajo Turquoise Earrings - Turquoise Post Earrings - Turquoise Beaded Earrings

Chandelier Earrings - Turquoise Stud Earrings - Turquoise Hoop Earrings

Vintage Turquoise Earrings - Zuni Turquoise Earrings

Turquoise Earring Examples

Blue Turquoise Dangle Earring Ribbon Turquoise Earrings

Above are two pair of Turquoise Earrings that are both Navajo handcrafted in Sterling Silver. The pair on the left have six Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Stones in each earring set in a cluster style, these beautiful Turquoise Earrings are easy to wear and very attractive. The pair of earrings on the right were produced by Durango Silver Company from Turquoise they have mined in Nevada from the Royston Turquoise Mine. This is called Ribbon Turquoise as it is cut to show the vein of Turquoise as it runs through the matrix.

Blue Stud Turquoise Earrings Navajo Handcrafted Turquoise Stud Earrings

Above are two uniquely designed Turquoise Stud Earrings handcrafted in Sterling Silver with authentic Turquoise gemstones. The pair of earrings Turquoise on the left were designed by John Hartman of Durango Silver Co and are Tortoise designs with Bisbee Blue Turquoise Stones. The pair of Turquoise stud earrings on the right have matching rectangular Turquoise Stones cut by Dillon Hartman of Durango Silver Company and then set into a nice Sterling Silver filigree setting.

Turquoise Bead Dangle Earrings Vintage Turquoise Earrings

To the left are a pair of Turquoise Beaded Earrings that feature beautiful spiderweb Tibetan Turquoise Nuggets accented with fancy filigree Sterling Silver Beads hung from Silver ear wires that also have Silver beaded designs. To the right is a pair of Vintage Navajo Turquoise Earrings in a Squash Blossom design. Note that the Navajo Silversmiths have used multiple Turquoise Stones in the cluster design from many years, this has been a typical style of the Navajo Silversmiths for over 100 years now. Both of these earrings are wonderful examples of Turquoise earring designs.

Navajo Turquoise Earrings

Navajo Turquoise Earring design is much different then Zuni. The Navajo start with a stone/cabochon, put a bezel around the stone and usually additional silver filigree designs around that. Learn more about Zuni Jewelry. Navajo Indians are known for their stamp and filigree work on silver with the use of a Turquoise Stone for the center focal point of the piece of Jewelry. Navajo Turquoise Earrings are collectible when you buy them and as they age they become more and more desirable by collectors of Native American Indian Turquoise Jewelry. They are a wonderful item to hand down through generations of your family as Turquoise Earrings never go out of style.

Navajo Turquoise Earring Examples

Navajo Dangle Turquoise Earrings in Blue Turquoise Navajo Handcrafted Turquoise Earrings

On the left is a nice pair of Navajo Style Turquoise Dangle Earrings featuring Turquoise Mountain Turquoise from the Kingman Mine. They feature beautiful Turquoise Stones surrounded by a filigree design in Sterling Silver. They hang from French wires which make them dangle lower towards the shoulders. On the right is a pair of Chandelier Style Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Dangle Earrings that were Navajo handcrafted. They feature multiple Sleeping Beauty Turquoise stones set in a nice pattern with stamped raindrops and repose Silver dangles. These are wonderful examples of Turquoise earrings and classic Turquoise earring design.

Navajo Handcrafted Turquoise Stud Earrings Navajo Green Turquoise Earrings

Here are two pair of Navajo handcrafted Turquoise Earrings both with unique silver work. The kingman Turquoise Earrings on the left have fine wire filigree designs surrounding the bezel set Turquoise Stones. The green Turquoise Earrings on the right were made by putting a bezel around the stone, adding twisted wire and then half round wire was carefully formed around the twisted wire. With a Jewelers saw fine lines were cut into the half round wire and then a file was used to contour the silver, the bottom was formed with a tiny round file and then Silver balls were soldered into place.

Zuni Turquoise Earrings

Zuni Turquoise Earrings are unique as the Zuni's do a lot of fine stone work. The Zuni Indians do very fine earrings that consist of tiny Turquoise sliver shaped stones called Needlepoint and tiny round stones called Petit-point. They cluster many stones together to make unique designs that make beautiful Turquoise Earrings. These type of earrings are beautiful and the older they get the more beautiful they become. Many people collect Vintage Zuni Turquoise Earrings as they really are very special. Zuni Turquoise Earrings are also made by with the inlay process. They inlay Turquoise as well as other gemstones to create beautiful pictorial designs that are desirable and attractive. Zuni Turquoise Inlay Earrings are precious and if you enjoy Southwestern Native American Turquoise Jewelry, a pair of Zuni Turquoise Inlay Earrings would be a great choice. The Zuni Inlay Jewelry is some of the most popular silver jewelry on earth. Below are several great examples of Zuni Turquoise Earrings.

Zuni Turquoise Earrings Zuni Turquoise Inlay Earrings

The Turquoise Earrings on the left were made by a Zuni Indian Jeweler. This is called petit-point work as the stones are small and match in shape, then designed in a cluster formation. The Zuni Indians are known for petit-point, needle-point and inlay Jewelry. The Turquoise earrings on the right are a good example of Zuni inlay stonework, they are inlaid with Turquoise, Coral, Jet and Mother of Pearl. Each stone is precissionly cut to fit into a channel to create the design.

Blue Turquoise Earrings

Blue Turquoise Earrings Blue Dangle Turquoise Earrings

Blue Turquoise Earrings are very popular and in demand by many. Blue Turquoise is generally from Arizona, however, both of these pair of Blue Turquoise Earrings feature Blue Turquoise from Nevada. The Earrings on the left have Lookout Mountain Turquoise and the Turquoise earrings on the right have blue Royston Turquoise stones. Both are dangle Earrings but they are very differant in design. The pair on the left have extra large gem Turquoise stones that are set in simple bezel settings which put the emphases on the beautiful blue Turquoise stones. The pair on the right have smaller stones with Silver filigree work next to the bezels which give the Turquoise earrings a completely deferent look.

Blue Turquoise Stud Earrings Blue Turquoise Dangle Earrings

To the left is a pair of Turquoise Earrings that were designed by John Hartman. The design is a Tortoise and we make them in stud or dangle earrings, we inlay blue or green Turquoise stones in them and this particular pair has Bisbee Turquoise stones. They were made by laying out the design on a piece of Silver sheet, then hand stamping each line, one by one, to create the design. We then took a Jewelers mold of the earring so we can repeat the exact design and now shoot them in wax. Once shot in wax they are cast in Silver, the stamping is redefined and we inlay Turquoise stones into them. The Dangle Turquoise Earrings on the right were made with beautiful blue Turquoise from the Kingman Turquoise Mine in Arizona. The were made by putting a Silver bezel around the stones followed by small twisted wire, the bottom pieces then had unique wire designs that were made with small round wire to make a filigree look. All of the designs are handcrafted and fitted one by one.

Blue Turquoise Earrings Blue Turquoise Drop Earrings

Here are two pair of blue Turquoise Earrings both with blue Turquoise from Arizona. The pair on the left has Sleeping Beauty Turquoise and the pair on the right has Kingman Turquoise. The Turquoise earrings on the left is a called a cluster Turquoise Earring which is generally made by Navajo Silversmiths and has been a standard style for the Navajo Jewelers for over one hundred years.  The pair of earrings on the right are called a Turquoise Drop Earring. This Turquoise Earring style is very popular as well as being most attractive when worn.

Green Turquoise Earrings

Green Turquoise Earrings with Sugilite Green Spiderweb Turquoise Earrings

Green Turquoise Earring are unique in color which has a completely deferent appearance when worn. Green Turquoise Earrings have a very natural and earthy look and many people prefer green Turquoise to Blue but it is personal performance. Green Turquoise generally comes from Nevada, however, it is found in many other locations as well such as Colorado, New Mexico and Tibet.

Above are two pair of Green Turquoise Earrings - The pair on the left were designed and produced by Durango Silver Company, this pair feature Broken Arrow Turquoise from Nevada accented with Purple Sugilite stones, Sugilite comes from South Africa and is highly collectible. This particular pair is set in a fairly simple design which attracts the eye to the gemstones, they have an open back to make them lighter as well as for the metaphysical values of the Turquoise. The pair of Sheep Springs Turquoise Stud Earrings on the right feature large deep lime green spiderweb stones that are breath taking! They are bezel set in Sterling Silver and these stones need nothing else.

Nevada Green Turquoise Earrings Green Ribbon Turquoise Earrings

The pair of earrings on the left were Navajo handcrafted with Broken Arrow Turquoise from Nevada. The bezel set Turquoise stones hang from a hand stamped fluted button concho. These Turquoise Earrings are simple but very attractive when worn. The Turquoise earrings on the left were produced by Durango Silver Co - The stones were cut by Dillon Hartman out of beautiful Royston Turquoise that we mined at the Royston Turquoise Mine just out of Tonopah, Nevada. The Royston Ribbon Turquoise stones are awesome and are bezel set in Sterling Silver.

If you are ever in the Tonopah, Nevada area, you can take a mine tour with the Otteson's and find your own Royston Turquoise. Here is the link for the Mine Tour information.

Turquoise Stud Earrings

Vintage Navajo Stud Earrings Blue Turquoise Stud Earrings

Turquoise Stud Earrings are great for every Turquoise collection. They are easy to wear on an everyday basis, you will love your Turquoise Stud Earrings and they will become some of your favorite earrings to wear - guaranteed! You can't have to many Turquoise Stud Earrings.

Above are two deferent pair of Turquoise Stud Earrings, the pair on the left are a classic pair of vintage Navajo Turquoise Earrings. They began with Turquoise stones, put twisted wire around the stone and then soldered them to sheet Silver. The Silversmith then stamped and filed around the stampings to finish the design. The Turquoise Stud Earrings on the right were made with Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, they have unique chain link designs which make this a unique Turquoise Earring design.

Green Turquoise Stud Earrings Blue Stud Turquoise Earrings

Here are two pair of rectangle shaped Turquoise Stud Earrings both unique. The pair on the left were made with Turquoise Mountain Turquoise. They have a unique Silver design that has circular wire design surrounded with tiny rain drops which make an attractive design. The Turquoise earrings on the right are simply bezel set rectangle stones from the Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mine, however, the stones are unusually beautiful and bold. Turquoise stones of this quality look best when they are the main attraction.

Tortoise Turquoise Stud Earrings Zuni Turquoise Stud Earrings

Here are two unusual pair of Turquoise Stud Earrings - The pair on the left are large bezel set Tortoise Turquoise Earrings, Tortoise Turquoise is from Nevada and this pair of earrings have brown Turquoise stones. The Turquoise Stud Earrings on the right were made by a Zuni Indian Jewelry artist. The feature petit point Turquoise stones accented with a spiny oyster stone in the center. These are typical Zuni Turquoise earrings and are very attractive when worn.

Turquoise Dangle Earrings

Bisbee Turquoise Dangle Earrings Tibetan Dangle Turquoise Earrings

There are many types and styles of Dangle Turquoise Earrings - Here are two unique styles. To the left are a pair of bezel set dangle earrings with Bisbee Turquoise and Sugilite. On the right are a pair of dangle earrings that are one piece earrings that dangle from a French wire. The have a double beaded design surrounding the stones. These are great examples of modern day Turquoise Drop Earrings.

Navajo Handcrafted Dangle Turquoise Earrings Ribbon Turquoise Dangle Earrings

On the left is a pair of Kingman Turquoise Dangle Earrings, these earrings have beautiful stones with Silver filigree work. The dangle Earrings on the right are made with Ribbon Turquoise, it is called ribbon because of the cut. It is cut so you see the Turquoise vein as it looks as it runs through the host rock that it is found in.

Fashion Dangle Turquoise Earrings Turquoise Cluster Dangle Earrings

Turquoise Hoop Earrings

Green Turquoise Hoop Earrings Blue Turquoise Hoop Earrings

Turquoise Hoop Earrings have been very popular a long time. Turquoise Hoop Earrings fit the ear nicely and are stylish. Many women have several pair of Turquoise Hoop Earrings as once they buy their first pair they want more. The pair on the left were made with green Turquoise that has been inlayed into Sterling Silver. The pair of hoop earrings on the right were made with blue Turquoise inlaid into channels in the hoop earrings.

Turquoise Bead Earrings

Turquoise Bead Earrings - Turquoise Beaded Earrings have become very popular and in high demand most recently and there are so many variations that can be made. Nattarika Hartman of Durango Silver Co makes most of our Turquoise Bead Earrings and has a creative eye for making unique Turquoise Bead Earrings. Although attention on Turquoise Bead Earrings has recently increased, Durango Silver Company had been collection Turquoise Beads for nearly forty years in the past. We have a tremendous collection of Antique Turquoise Beads from America as well as the rest of the world. We acknowledged that Turquoise Beads have been used for metaphysical purposes for over 7,000 years early in our collecting of Turquoise and have long respected the historic past of Turquoise Beads.

Turquoise Bead Earrings have been worn since ancient times by Native Americans here in the southwest by women as well as men. Historic records show Anasazi Medicine Men wore Turquoise Beads in Necklaces, used them in their medicine bundles and also wore Turquoise Bead Earrings. We have collected many examples of Turquoise Bead Earrings from many time frames of the American West. We are well aware that Turquoise Beads were traded by nomadic traders to other Native American Indian Tribes thousands of miles away which were made into ear ornamentations to be worn as Turquoise Bead Earrings.

Today, we are delighted that Turquoise Bead Earrings have become popular for many reasons. We enjoy making Turquoise Bead Earrings and will continue to use all types of Turquoise in the collections we offer in our site. Our specialty is using authentic Turquoise Beads in all of our Turquoise Beaded Jewelry and it is equally important to us that we use naturally authentic (real) Turquoise in our Turquoise Beaded Earrings.

Turquoise Bead Earrings Turquoise and Silver Bead Earrings

Above are two different types of Turquoise Bead Earrings - The pair on the left have hand cut elongated teardrop shaped Turquoise beads that have Sterling Silver findings and dangle from French wires. On the right are a pair of Turquoise Bead Dangle Earrings made with authentic Tibetan Turquoise Nuggets and handcrafted Sterling Silver Beads. Both pairs of these Beaded Turquoise Earrings are unique and one of a kind as in most all of the others that we produce.

Turquoise Nugget Bead Earrings Turquoise Dangle Bead Earrings

Above are two beautiful pair of Bead Earrings with blue Turquoise. The pair on the left have spiderweb Turquoise Nuggets from Tibet. Blue Turquoise from Tibet is fairly hard to find, especially if it is old. Most of the Turquoise that we have found from Tibet is green. A greasy green indicates the Turquoise has been used regularly and has taken on oils from the past bearers and or possibly has been waxed which the Tibetans have long been known to do. The pair on the right were made by Nattarika Hartman of Durango Silver Co. She used deferent sized Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Beads to create a beautiful pair of Turquoise Dangle Earrings.

Turquoise Bead Earrings Spiritual Dangle Turquoise Earrings

To the left are another pair of Turquoise Beaded Earrings with Sleeping Beauty Turquoise accented with Black Onyx Beads and made with Sterling Silver findings by Nattarika. The pair on the left, again with authentic Tibetan Turquoise Beads from our Turquoise Collection. Nattarika is from Thailand and is Buddhist, she loves making spiritual designs and this pair of earrings displays this. Nattarika most always works in Sterling Silver which is the metal of her choice, but, also works in Gold.

Watch our Turquoise Earring Video

Here are some additional links to presentation pages related to Turquoise Earrings and Turquoise Beaded Jewelry you might enjoy viewing;S

Turquoise Bead Earrings - Additional information and photos of Turquoise Bead Earrings.

About Turquoise Earrings - This page is about Turquoise Earrings in general and has some great examples and information.

Turquoise Beads - This page has a lot of information and photos on Turquoise Beads in necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

Anasazi Turquoise - This is a great page on the history of American Turquoise which includes some information on Turquoise Beads.

Back to the Jewelry Learning Center

We hope you have enjoyed our presentation on Turquoise Earrings and have gained some useful knowledge from it. We invite you to learn more about Turquoise and Turquoise Jewelry by following the links in our Learning Center to other informational pages that we have written on different topics related to Turquoise Jewelry. In addition, we would like to invite you to join our E-Mail Newsletter - about once every other month we send out a Newsletter to inform our members of what's happening with Durango Silver Company, new products, specials for our members and more. We also have a monthly drawing from our member base to give away free Turquoise Jewelry from our company. Please take a moment to become one of our friends by signing in below. Thank you for learning about the Turquoise earring we hope this will help you make a good decision when purchasing your next pair of Turquoise earrings.

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