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Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons

Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons

Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons

Ultra High Grade Spiderweb Turquoise Necklace and Cabochons from the Hartman Collection

High Grade Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons from Bisbee, Arizona. We have tried to show different variations of natural Bisbee Turquoise with Spiderweb matrix. All stones in the picture are 100% natural with no treatment. As you can see in this picture, Bisbee Turquoise comes in different shades of blue, with different colors and shapes of spider web matrix. Turquoise from the Bisbee Turquoise mine with spiderweb matrix is the hardest to come by and is not really what the mine is known for. Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise was less then a fraction of 1% of what came out of the Bisbee Turquoise mine. As you can imagine,Spiderweb Turquoise Cabochons from the long since closed Bisbee mine in Arizona are very hard to come by, and EXTREMELY VALUABLE.

You can learn more about Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise through the links below: | Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry | Bisbee Turquoise  | Shop for Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons

Specimen of Natural Bisbee Turquoise in Quartz from the Hartman Collection

Above is a rare piece of natural Bisbee Turquoise vein that formed in natural Quartz crystals. This large chunk of natural Bisbee Turquoise which weighs over 2 lbs and came from the Lavender Pit in the Copper Queen mine in Bisbee, Arizona USA. This a good example of the kind of rough Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise cabochons are cut from. You can see the spiderweb matrix in the raw vein of natural Bisbee Turquoise above. You will also notice that the rough is lighter blue than the cabs would be when cut from this rock. This rock has been out of the mine for over 60 years and has oxidized on the surface, thus giving it a lighter appearance.

Learn more about Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry:

Bisbee Turquoise Bracelets | Bisbee Turquoise Necklaces | Bisbee Turquoise Rings | Bisbee Turquoise for Sale | Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry | Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry Video

A Brief History of Bisbee Turquoise

This famous mine is known for its brilliant, deep blue, hard natural Turquoise and is one of the most expensive and rare varieties of Turquoise. Bisbee has a reputation as being strikingly brilliant blue, hard, and has a matrix that is found in no other Turquoise mine around the world. The unique chocolate brown to red natural matrix in quality Bisbee Turquoise makes the stone easy to identify. One of the famous looks from the Bisbee mine is the "Smoky Bisbee" which is made from the unusual matrix formations of wisps and smoke looking formations which flow throughout some of the stones. Rarer, but more valuable is the red spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise, which is elusive and every collector is searching for. This Turquoise is also unique in that it was found as deep as 900 feet underground, while most Turquoise is found at less than 100 feet under the ground.

Bisbee is one of the most famous and one of the oldest known American Turquoise mines. Bisbee’s main operation was the Lavender Bisbee Copper mine. The Bisbee Turquoise mine has been closed since the 1970’s. In 2004 the Phelps Dodge Mining Company no longer allowed anyone near the hazardous old mine and buried the Turquoise pit under 100 feet of dirt. There will be no more Bisbee mined. Since the 60’s people have jumped the fence and worked the tailings to sell. Any Bisbee on the market today was officially mined prior to 1978.

Thank you for taking a look at our presentation on Spiderweb Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons.

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