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Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry

Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry

Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry

Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold

This is an informational page on Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry, you will find several photos of authentic Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry from Durango Silver Company. Durango Silver Company is the proprietor of one of the largest authentic collections of Bisbee Turquoise in the world. We have collected and mined American Turquoise for over forty years and we are fortunate to own a beautiful collection of Bisbee Turquoise. We cut our Bisbee Turquoise into cabochons for our exclusive Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry and we also inlay Bisbee Turquoise into Southwestern style Jewelry.

This beautiful Ladies Bisbee Turquoise Gold Ring above is outstanding! Bisbee Turquoise is America's finest and it is awesome set in Gold! Make certain you click on the photos as this will take to more information on each particular piece of Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold.

Authentic Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry

Durango Silver Company owns one of the finest collections of Bisbee Turquoise in the world, we are among the leading authorities on authentic Bisbee Turquoise and Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry. All of our Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry is 100% guaranteed to have authentic Bisbee Turquoise.

Mens Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold Mens Gold Bisbee Turquoise Rings

Above and to the left is a spectacular Mens Gold Bisbee Turquoise Ring artisan crafted by John Hartman of Durango Silver Company. The setting was hand carved in Jewelers wax and then the wax was turned into 14ky Gold by using the lost wax method. The Bisbee Turquoise Gemstone is a rare one-of-a-kind piece of high grade red spiderwebbed Bisbee Turquoise. Take a closer look at this beautiful Bisbee Ring.

Above and to the right is an exclusive style of Men's Ring made by Durango Silver Company, this Men's Gold Ring features a rich blue Smoky Bisbee Turquoise Gemstone. This is a very comfortable Men's Ring and with a beautiful Bisbee Turquoise Gemstone set in Gold - it is Awesome!

Bisbee Turquoise Gold Pendant Bisbee Turquoise Pendiant in Gold

Above are two beautiful pieces of Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry! The Gold Pendant with deep blue Bisbee Turquoise on the left was made by Crystal Hartman who is John's daughter. Crystal's art is fantastic and her carved wax Jewelry is exceptional. You can check out Crystal's website and also read more about her on ours. Click on the photo to see additional photos and information on this Bisbee Turquoise Pendant by Crystal.

To the right is a Gold Bisbee Turquoise Necklace in 14ky Gold created by John Hartman. This piece was bench made by using Gold sheet and wire, this is a completely different style of making Jewelry from Crystal's. This necklace features a deep smoky Bisbee stone accented by Gold leaves and flowers with tiny grapes. You can read more about John Hartman's work by viewing our page on John.

Authentic Bisbee Turquoise in Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold

Above and to the left is a Gold Bisbee Turquoise Ring created by John Hartman of Durango Silver Company. This spectacular Bisbee Turquoise stone is set in a Gold setting that ads to the overall beauty of this very unusual Men's Ring. In this photo you cannot see the unusual Gold work John has done on this Ring; click on the photo and you will be taken to this Rings presentation page that has several additional photos that show different angles of this Ring.

And to the right is another Bisbee Turquoise Gold Ring, also created by John Hartman. John created this Bisbee Ring by cutting this fine Bisbee Turquoise Cabochon, carving the Ring from Jewelers wax, casting the carving into 14ky Gold, applying Colorado Gold Nuggets and finishing the ring to a masterpiece.

Ladies Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold Smoky Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry in Gold

John Hartman is without a doubt one of the finest Jewelers in the American Southwest today. His works are in museums and in important collections around the world. He has designed for many important companies and famous individuals and his work will become important works of art in American history.

Above are two 14Ky Gold Bisbee Turquoise Women's Rings, again by John Hartman. the Bisbee Ring on the left has medium blue Turquoise with chocolate brown smoky matrix and the design is hand carved wax cast into 14ky Gold. The Gold Bisbee Turquoise Ring on the right was made with the same technique from a stone that John cut out of the same Bisbee Turquoise Rock.

Red Web Bisbee Turquoise Ring in Gold Bisbee Turquoise and Burmese Ruby Gold Ring

Above and to the left is an outstanding Bisbee Turquoise Cabochon set in a beautiful 14ky Gold setting. This Bisbee Turquoise is embedded in quartz and red iron spiderwebbed matrix. This is a rarity in Turquoise, both red iron spiderwebbing as well as quartz are not often found in Bisbee Turquoise or any other types of American Turquoise.

The Bisbee Turquoise Ring on the right has a deep blue smoky webbed stone in a 14ky Gold setting accented by two beautiful Burmese Rubies, one on each side of the Ring. John often accents his Gold Rings with exotic gemstones which makes his Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry unusual from any other you may find. We invite you to view to see more of John's Jewelry creations with Bisbee Turquoise as well as other fine and rare types of Turquoise from North America and around the world.

Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry - Bisbee Turquoise - Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons - Bisbee Turquoise Bracelets

Bisbee Turquoise Necklaces -  Shop for Bisbee Turquoise in Gold Jewelry Bisbee Turquoise on Wikipedia - Bisbee Turquoise Rings -

For more informative reading and viewing, check out these great pages from Durango Silver Company:

Gold and Turquoise | Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry | Turquoise Gold Rings | Turquoise Gold Jewelry | Gold Turquoise Pendant | Turquoise in Gold Video | Gold Turquoise Necklaces | Gold Turquoise Jewelry | Gold Turquoise Rings

About once every other month we send out a E-Mail Newsletter to inform our members of what's happening at Durango Silver Company, new products, specials for our members only and more. We also have a monthly drawing from our member base to give away Free Turquoise Jewelry. Please take a moment to become one of our friends by signing in below.

We hope you have enjoyed our presentation on Gold Bisbee Turquoise Jewelry and you will think of Durango Silver Company when considering your next Turquoise Jewelry purchase.

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