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Brown Turquoise

Brown Turquoise

Learn About Brown Turquoise

Brown Turquoise Collage

Brown Turquoise from Nevada is beautiful in Sterling Silver Jewelry produced by Durango Silver Company. We own the Tortoise Turquoise Mine and it produces a spectacular caramel to brown Turquoise that is outstanding in color with beautiful spiderweb and black swirled matrix that makes each stone a picture-stone. Brown Turquoise Jewelry is very unusual and has become very popular. Below, in the forth set of Brown Turquoise Jewelry photos, you can see how the Brown Turquoise was made in nature, the host rock was once soft and bled into the Turquoise mineral while it was forming, This justifies that Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Mine is Brown Turquoise.

Brown Turquoise Jewelry

Below are some examples of Brown Turquoise Jewelry produced by Durango Silver Company of Durango, Colorado USA.

Brown Turquoise Navajo Pendant Brown Turquoise and Sugilite Pendant

Above are two beautiful Southwestern Styled Pendants with Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine located in Nevada. The color ranges in Tortoise Turquoise can be dramatic ranging from White to caramel and brown with jet black webbing. The Pendant on the left features a caramel brown Turquoise stone set in Sterling Silver by Verdi Jake (Navajo Handcrafted) in a wire and bead design. The brown and white Turquoise Pendant on the left was made by John Hartman in his Victorian Silver Style design. The Brown Turquoise is accented with a Purple Sugilite Stone that enhances the characteristics of the beautiful Brown Turquoise Stone.


Learn a little about Brown Turquoise from Dillon Hartman.

More Examples of Brown Turquoise Jewelry

Ribbon Turquoise Royston Ribbon Turquoise Pendant

Another type of Turquoise people call Brown Turquoise is Ribbon Turquoise. Ribbon Turquoise is vein Turquoise in its natural host rock. Most of the Ribbon Turquoise with Brown Matrix is coming out of Nevada. The Royston and Pilot Mountain Mines produce the majority of Ribbon Turquoise being seen in today's Turquoise Jewelry. If you would like to read more about Ribbon Turquoise, check our Ribbon Turquoise Presentation Page out. Ribbon Turquoise is unique and many of the stones are exceptionally beautiful, it has its own great characteristics for Brown Turquoise Jewelry.

Brown Turquoise Mens Ring Brown Tortoise Turquoise Mens Ring

The Tortoise Turquoise Mine produces many variations of Brown Turquoise that are excitingly different than other types of Turquoise. These two Rings are good examples of the wide brown color variations that come from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine. The Turquoise Ring on the left was made in the lost wax method. Crystal Hartman started with the Stone and applied layer after layer of wax to build up a high relief design that is very dimensional. The Ring on the right has a Tortoise Turquoise Stone that ranges from mint green to caramel to deep brown with black spiderweb matrix, it is very pleasing to the eye.

Brown Tortoise Turquoise Ring Caramel Tortoise Turquoise Ring

Here are two different pieces of Brown Turquoise Jewelry from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine. The rectangular shaped Ring on the left has a bezel set deep brown Turquoise Stone that has black webbed matrix. The Tortoise Turquoise Ring on the right has a very unusual stone, the Turquoise is primarily mint green that has a caramelised colored mineralization that occurred in its development. This stone shows how that Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Mine is Turquoise, It is Turquoise that has been caramelized over the years of its development by the surrounding host rock bleeding into the Turquoise minerals. Bleeding of color's in Turquoise from this area of Nevada have also been found in many other mines, however, it is usually blues into greens.

Brown Turquoise Earrings Brown Turquoise Stud Earrings

Here are two examples of Brown Turquoise set in Sterling Silver Earrings. The pair of Brown Turquoise Earrings on the left are pure brown color that is bold with swirling black web and marbleised matrix. The pair of Earrings on the right have multi-color variations of Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine. The color variations that the Tortoise Mine produces are dynamic and so different that you must admit - Brown Tortoise Turquoise is fabulous!

Brown Turquoise Beads Brown and Green Tortoise Turquoise Beads

Above are two Brown Turquoise Bead Necklaces made with Tortoise Turquoise Beads. Brown Turquoise mixes great with Green Turquoise and the Tortoise Turquoise Mine produces both so it is a natural match. We use our Brown Tortoise Turquoise Beads in combination with many different colored Gemstones as well, Black Onyx looks wonderful with Brown Turquoise and there are many other color's that are beautiful as well.

Brown Tortoise Turquoise Mens Ring Brown Turquoise Womens Ring

These two Southwestern Styled Rings were produced by Durango Silver Company with Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Mine in Sterling Silver. Notice the each stone creates a different picture and this is why we call them picture stones. When we first discovered this unique Turquoise we did not know what to think. Once we started cutting it into cabochons, we were totally swept off our feet with the outstanding beauty each individual stone had. When people see our Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine, they flip and immediately want a piece of our Jewelry made with Brown Tortoise Turquoise.

Brown Turquoise Earrings Brown Caramelized Turquoise Ring - Tortoise Turquoise

It seems like any type of Jewelry item we put Brown Tortoise Turquoise in is a hit, people just love this new color, and as you can see above Brown Turquoise from the Tortoise Turquoise Mine is Natural and is unique to itself. Currently, we have a good supply of Brown Tortoise Turquoise but have not evaluated the Mine to see how much more there is. The Brown Turquoise that we found at the Mine was in one large pocket and we harvested about 100 lbs. - that is not a lot if there is a high demand for the material.

We hope you have enjoyed our presentation on Brown Turquoise and have gained some useful knowledge from it. We invite you to learn more about Brown Turquoise and Brown Turquoise Jewelry by following the links in our Learning Center to other informational pages that we have written on different topics related to Turquoise Jewelry. In addition, we would like to invite you to join our E-Mail Newsletter - about once every other month we send out a Newsletter to inform our members of what's happening with Durango Silver Company, new products, specials for our members and more. We also have a monthly drawing from our member base to give away Free Turquoise Jewelry from our company. Please take a moment to become one of our friends by signing in below. Thank you for reading about brown Turquoise we hope this has enlightened you and will help you to buy a piece of brown Turquoise jewelry.

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